
Reflection of the Cove


The Cove is a 2009 documentary film that analyses and questions Japan's dolphin hunting culture. The migrating dolphins are herded into a cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats.
In fact, before watching this video in the school, I have watched it three times, this is the fourth time I watched The cove, but still shed tears, especially when I  saw the sea turned red and when I heard those dolphins’ sound. And all my mind thought about these Japanese are very cruel.

In the movie, I know that the Japanese in order to make more money, they sales dolphin meat as whale meat. But they did not think that dolphin meat is harmful to the body, excessive mercury content of dolphin meat.

At first, I am very angry with the Japanese who killing dolphins and whales, I think dolphins are intelligent and cute. And I think The event of killing dolphins and whales should be banned strictly in Taiji Japan.
But after I watched a few times, I think it was Japan's culture, I feel that others do not have a right to force  them to stop killing dolphins and whales because the different country has different culture.

However, I think that the Japanese should have a limit as to how many dolphins and whales it kill due to the danger of dolphins and whales being extinct. The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin hunting drive is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and claims that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year. If they kill the dolphins continuously , dolphins will become extinct in a short period of time.

